Haverford MI3 Internship and Project Assistant (RA/PA) Program

Angel investors often provide more than just funds to their investees. They may provide mentoring, network connections, advice on subjects of expertise, etc. As an everchanging group of undergraduates, MI3’s ability to do more that provide fund for our investees is somewhat limited. However, we an make available Haverford’s smart, disciplined and engaged students to help local social enterprises and organizations in the impact investing eco-system work on special projects,  conduct research and provide some helpful additional labor on a short-term basis. The Haverford MI3 Internship and Project Assistant Program sponsors Haverford students to work as summer interns. Each summer MI3 reaches out to our network of investees, social enterprises, impact investors and support organizations to determine whether they could make good use of a Haverford student for an 8-10 week internship. At the end of the internships, students post blogs about their experiences. You can find these by searching the blogs for intern posts.