For her assignment, Kate Gold BMC ’21 chose to use Hubble Space telescope data to put together with her own colour choices. I think the result is beautiful.

Kate explains: “The image above shows the Eagle Nebula (M16, NGC 6611) as observed by the Hubble Space Telescope Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2. The Eagle Nebula is in the constellation Serpens and is 7000 light years away. It contains over 8000 stars. This image contains the “Pillars of Creation” region; the pillars are made of dense cool molecular hydrogen gas and dust. The pillars are so dense that the interior gas contracts due to gravity and forms stars. The tops of the pillars contain young stars which and little low density material. The image is a compilation of observations from three optical bands: O[iii], Ha, and S[ii] shown in red, green, and blue respectively.”