Hey astronomers,
The Haverford observing team is happy to report another successful event at the Strawbridge Observatory! Last Saturday, we opened our doors and our telescopes to the public. We had an excellent view of Jupiter and its four largest moons, thanks to some excellent luck with the weather. Andrea planned a fantastic arts & crafts event in which our visitors created their own sculptures of Saturn, rings and all. Meanwhile, Eric and Arjun showcased a selection of great educational videos about Jupiter and the rest of the Solar System, made by public outreach legends such as Bill Nye, Neil DeGrasse Tyson, and Carl Sagan. We welcomed plenty of visitors, who just kept on coming throughout the event, so thanks to everyone who showed up! We can’t wait for the next event, which is scheduled for the evening of Saturday, March 22nd.
NSF AST-1151462 provides support for our public outreach program.
P.S. The reboot of Carl Sagan’s legendary show ‘Cosmos’, now hosted by Neil DeGrasse Tyson, premiered last night, and the first episode will be airing again tonight. I’d highly recommend checking it out, it should provide an awe-inspiring tour of the universe.